12:00AM Biosphere “Fall In, Fall Out” from Dropsonde on Biophon Records (Norway)
12:04AM Novisad “Sommersonnenschein” from Seleya on Tomlab
12:08AM Tim Hecker “Black Refraction” from Virgins on Kranky
12:10AM Nils Frahm “Some” from solo on Erased Tapes
12:13AM Fennesz + Sakamoto “Amorph” from cendre on Touch
12:18AM Taylor Deupree “So Sleepy” from Lost & Compiled on 12K
12:23AM Stephan Mathieu “Cha 110913” from The Falling Rocket on Dekorder
12:29AM Biosphere “Shenzhou” from Shenzhou on Biophon Records (Norway)
12:34AM Chihei Hatakeyama “Granular Haze” from Minima Moralia on Kranky
12:40AM The Dead Texan “Aegina Airlines” from The Dead Texan on Kranky
12:42AM Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto “Microon III” from Summvs on Raster-Noton
12:44AM Chihei Hatakeyama “Illusion of Memory II” from dedication on White paddy mountain
12:47AM Apalusa “It all Ends Here” from Ghost Notes on Low-Point
12:52AM Popol Vuh “Why Do I Still Sleep” from Agape-Agape (Love-Love) on SPV Recordings
12:55AM Shuttle358 “Isonpgn” from Frame on 12K
01:00AM Biosphere “Spindrift” from Shenzhou on Biophon Records (Norway)
01:02AM Mark Fell “Commuting (3)” from Ten Types of Elsewhere on Line
01:06AM Markus Guentner “Limb” from Theia on A Strangely Isolated Place
01:12AM Klimek “For Ezekiel Honig & Young (Pan) Americans” from Dedications on Anticipate Recordings
01:16AM Novisad “Theatralik” from Seleya on Tomlab
01:19AM Novisad “Abschied” from Novisad on Tomlab
01:21AM Colleen “Floating In the Clearest Night” from The Golden Morning Breaks on The leaf label
01:23AM Nick Cave & Warren Ellis “memory” from The Road (Original Film Score) on Mute/BMG
01:26AM Library Tapes “A Summer Beneath the Trees” from A Summer Beneath the Trees on 1631 Recordings
01:27AM Marcus Fischer “Cascadia Obscura” from Monocoastal on 12K
01:32AM Shuttle358 “Floops” from Optimal.LP on 12K
01:38AM Gareth Hardwick “Of The Sea And Shore Part 1” from Of The Sea And Shore on Low-Point
01:53AM Moondog “Cosmic Meditation” from Elpmas on Roof Music